Iron Chef Imports

Want to import a car from Japan?
Look no further.

    • 1999 Daihatsu Midget II
      Auction Grade 4
      Odometer 57,110
      Colour White
      Car Location QLD - Brisbane
      Est. Price (AUD) $11,800
      View Details
    • 2006 Citroen C2 VTS
      Auction Grade I dunno probably 3.5
      Odometer 105,300
      Colour Nior
      Car Location QLD - Brisbane
      Est. Price (AUD) $3,600
      View Details
    • 2014 Audi S6 Avant **PRICE DROP**
      Auction Grade 4B
      Odometer 60,000
      Colour Black
      Car Location Adelaide, Australia
      Est. Price (AUD) $55,000
      View Details
    • 2002 Mazda RX-7 Spirit-R Type A ***PRICE DROP***
      Auction Grade 5A
      Odometer 19,000
      Colour Blue
      Car Location Tokyo, Japan
      FOB Price ¥14,500,000
      Est. Price (AUD)
      View Details

Importing your own car from Japan has never been easier!
Use Australia’s most trusted import broker.

Bidding on a car

We are based in both Japan and Australia – our own staff will be the ones who call you when they’re standing in front of the vehicle in Japan!

Shipping your car

Iron Chef Imports has excellent connections with the best shipping lines, ensuring you get the best rates and your new car arrives in Australia safe and sound.

Obtaining compliance

We use the most trusted compliance workshops in Australia, so there are no nasty surprises just when you’re ready to jump in and start driving!